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Thursday, 01 March 2012 20:27

March 2012 - Personal disciplines that bring long term public success

Peter Marshall was the chaplain to the U.S. Senate, he prayed, “Lord help us to apply what we applaud.”

By your patience possess your souls (Luke 21:19 NKJ).

Long term Christian leaders know how to control their own soul. Following are 14 personal disciplines that produce Christian growth and maturity, enabling us to be better representatives of Christ:.

1. Become a student of the Word. 2 Timothy 2:15

a. Read the Word daily.
b. Read it until something comes alive in your spirit.

2. Talk to God every day. Live in an attitude of prayer (Ephesians 6:18).

3. Maintain a meek, gentle and loving attitude by renewing your mind “constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], and put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:23-24 Amp).

4. Learn to make your lows a little higher and your highs a little lower.

a. Discipline yourself to be more consistent.
b. Don’t wear your feelings on your face.
c. Rise above the heartaches and disappointments that happen in your life.

5. Focus on Christ, not on the devil. Become God-conscious (Isaiah 26:3).

6. Get rid of self-consciousness because it’s really self-centeredness.

a. Nobody is ever fully ready.
b. Make yourself available, and God will work through you.

7. See the value of a soul. Treat every individual as valuable and special.

8. You have to take time with your family; don’t neglect them. Keep your family strong.

9. You have to get enough rest or you won’t function properly. You need to have a protected environment.

10. You can only relax and rest when you have a good attitude.

a. Don’t let someone’s problems or bad report rob you of your joy.
b. When you become worried and anxious, it makes you tired.

11. Don’t be afraid of hard work and sacrifice. It brings the best out of a person and releases the life of God. Many people miss the God opportunities because they come disguised as hard work and sacrifice (Romans 12:1).

12, Recognize that success may be failure. Sometimes you can learn more from your failures than from your successes. Sometimes things go wrong to make you move right.

13. Learn to prepare your heart.

a. Keep your heart soft.
b. If you’re not careful, your heart will become hard through seeing a lot of pain and suffering.

14. Always stay full of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues will help, but staying full also includes other daily spiritual disciplines (Ephesians 5:18-21).

Lord help us to apply what we applaud. Help us as leaders, to develop the personal disciplines that will bring long term public success.

Victory Leader's, Let us Finish our Course with Faith, Integrity and Joy!

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