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Friday, 01 March 2019 22:46

March 2019 - Myanmar

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Victory Churches of Myanmar is working hard to accomplish their vision of planting a church in each of the 12 states in Myanmar. Pastor John Albert is a dynamic leader who God has positioned well to effectively reach the people of his nation. He currently has 3 churches that are thriving.

In December, Drs. George & Hazel led a team on a trip to Myanmar. While there they held a Church Planting Seminar where the spirit of God moved powerfully upon the people and incredible transformation took place in the lives of the men, women and children there and new church plants were organized and planned for the days to come.

They also held a Small Business Seminar for people in the church and in the community. Following this seminar the girls from the orphanage were found making perfume and selling it. Other people were also stirred to start small businesses. It is a wonderful thing to be able to give people a hand up and out of poverty.

The team also had the opportunity to take part in the Global Christmas Feeding Program. They did 3 feeding programs that reached nearly 3000 people and saw hundreds give their lives to Christ.

The people of Myanmar were warm and welcoming and the children at the Victory Children’s Home were excited to greet Mama and Papa Victory and the team. The children were blessed with 2 brand new sewing machines purchased by the Victory Churches in the Maritimes so that they children could learn to sew.

These amazing children are so on fire for God and have regularly been found having spontaneous prayer meetings, laying hands on and praying for one another. They have taken over the worship team at the church and hard working and always have a smile on their faces!

For more information on Victory Churches of Myanmar, Missions Trips or any of our Victory Missions projects contact our office:

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Call: 403-286-8337

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