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Friday, 29 September 2017 21:48

October2017 - Myanmar Special Report

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05 There has been continual unrest and civil war within the nation of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, for many years now. This conflict is centered around the Ethnic cleansing of Muslim groups in the nation of Myanmar. For the most part the Burmese government has wanted to keep secret what has been happening, however there have been definite crimes against humanity taking place in the northern regions of the nation. Men are being exterminated or forced into service with rebel forces, women have been raped and murdered and thousands of children have been orphaned, abandoned and left in the bushes to fend for themselves.

This situation caught the attention of Dr. Hazel as she visited Myanmar in December of 2016 to dedicate a new facility to the work of the ministry. After some prayer, thought and discussion it was decided that Victory could not stand by and watch as young vulnerable lives were at stake.

02We immediately made preparation to take in 25 boys from the refugee camps. On May 29th we were thrilled to welcome 25 boys to the new Victory Children’s Home in Myanmar.  They were so excited to arrive and were thanking God for the blessings they now had.

In August of 2017, 25  girls arrived at the Victory Children’s Home near Yangoon. 50 Muslim children have now been rescued from the refugee camps and are now living in the Victory Children’s Home. These children have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior and are worshiping and praising God for their new lives.

In order to cover the cost to take care of all of these kids, Victory Children’s Homes is in need of sponsors. For only $35-$50/month you can help provide everything that one of these kids is going to need to continue their life at the new Victory Children’s Home Facility.
04 If it is on your heart to help one of these children, we ask you to contact the Victory Children’s Homes Head Office at 403-286-8337 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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